Melbourne Dietitian & Nutritionist

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Vegetable Storage Guide

If you are doing your best to avoid purchasing vegetables wrapped in plastic and have noticed that they have a shorter lifespan, this guide is for you. I began researching how to optimally store my vegetables after having to throw away one too many sad-looking carrots.

While we’re amidst a cost-of-living crisis, minimising food waste is an area where there is an opportunity to save some money. In Australia, an estimated 7.6 million tonnes of food are thrown away each year, this is thought to cost households up to $2,500 annually. Additionally, it is important to consider the impact that food waste has on the environment, as disposing of food also results in the wastage of the resources used in its initial production.

I hope that you’ll find this resource beneficial. It’s purposefully designed in A4 size for convenient download that can be placed on your fridge for easy reference.